Week 17
Wrapping It Up My viewpoint on social media has expanded. Social media has long surpassed its original design. Originally designed as an expansion of chat rooms, it has become a global meeting place. The demographics of social media haven't shifted as much as they have also expanded. Shifting demographics would indicate that the original target market has moved on. More young people than ever are engaged on social media. Now, young, old, middle-aged all participate on social media. The biggest difference is where. Facebook took social media where it had never been before. Chat rooms, forums, MySpace, and AOL all tried to get where Facebook is going, but they all failed. Now new challengers are everywhere, but they aren't challenging as much as complementing. New competitors are rising up, each with their own demographics and tactics. Businesses can find audiences all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Discord, Google+, and a host of others ar...