Week 14 Part A

What we Learn from Google Analytics

Audience Reports are at the core of business analytics. Who is viewing your online material and when? Google Analytics can further analyze the data by separating different audience segments, measure active users, and provide detailed information on individual user behavior. This kind of reporting is key to analyzing online production. Using these reports you can view audience data on how many people viewed the content, which people viewed the content, and how responsive they were to the content. Using this data allows you to understand each segment of your audience and create content appropriate to them.

Audience Demographics, much like audience reports gives a road map to who is viewing your content and which pieces work best to reach them. Every business has a planned audience, but that isn't necessarily the audience that you are reaching. Understanding demographics can work in many ways. If you are reaching your desired audience, your plans are working, and you are reaching your goals; great. If you aren't reaching the correct audience, your plans aren't working and the brand is suffering, then understanding demographics can help you shift your approach. Alternatively, if you aren't reaching your planned audience, your new audience is as responsive as you had planned for, and your business is thriving; great. In the last scenario, you may even have room to reach your original audience and reach for the stars. 

Visualization and Monitoring is a great way to be able to easily explain the insights you have found. Everyone has a boss. When you need to report to that boss, they may not have the same grasp of the underlying numbers. Having visual explanations to accompany hard data can be essential in delivering effective presentations and proper reports. Marketing is not always a straight line. Many advertising segments may be working with few sales results. That may mean that you need to shift gears, or it may mean that you need patience. Proper reports and monitoring are the key to knowing which way to go.

Advertising Reports. That's it. It speaks for itself. Tracking advertising success can be difficult. Many ads aren't designed to drive specific sales. Many ads drive web traffic, build a brand, or start a conversation. Separately, they can be hard to track. Google analytics can provide real, comprehensive metrics for all web traffic surrounding an ad campaign. 

Predictive Analysis is the future and Google would like to welcome you. In the world of business, predicting behavior is the highest form of analysis. Understanding how people responded to your content is extremely valuable. Understanding how people will respond to your content is earth-shattering. Google analytics uses the power of big data and AI to create models that can predict how your audience will respond to different online content. Look out future, here we come.


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