Week 9 Part A
Adding a Personal Touch People are scared of new things. People don’t like using products they don’t know or understand. Personal stories can be a great way to introduce people to new products by appealing to their emptions. A “how-to” blog or vlog can introduce people to a new product. A “how-to” post can be even more effective by showcasing individuals that are also new to the product. Think of old infomercials. They would almost always have a host that was “inexperienced” with the product and a host that was the expert. The expert would show the “novice” how to use the product and it would appeal to the average person. Your blog can do the same. Case studies can appeal directly to people, the more genuine the better. People like to read about real product experiences. People read reviews on Amazon, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and RateMyProfessors. Blogging can be an easy and curated way to provide your own reviews. Real customer reviews provided as blogs or vl...
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