Week 8 Part B

 My Instagram Hashtag Use

I used Facebook Creator Studio to schedule my posts. It was surprisingly simple to setup and use. It is another easy way to schedule posts from your PC or Mac.

I used several of the hashtags that I discovered in my research of other businesses. Often competitor research is a great way to figure out where you should start and then expand from there. I also utilized web searches for frequently used hashtags associated with my industry. Just be careful if you do that; the internet has a long memory, but old hashtags may be useless.

Specifically I used #hybridevents, #virtualevents, #entertainment, #training, #conference, #convention, #tradeshow, #marketers. Theses are all fairly specific to my industry. I used a few on each post and varied them. My goal was to use different hashtags to try and drive traffic to my page. I didn't feel like I needed to overwhelm any one hashtag, but get the page out to several appropriate hashtags.

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 10am Pacific Time. That way they all arrive during the workday across all 4 continental US time zones. I also wanted to make sure they didn't get posted too early for event planners, on the west coast, nor too late for event planners on the east coast.

I learned that using Facebook Creator Studio is a great way to schedule posts on Facebook as well as Instagram. I learned about the value of hashtag variety and the appropriate use of hashtags.


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