Week 6 Part A

Facebook Business connections

1. Showfloor - Virtual Trade Shows, Expos, and Job Fairs - @showfloor

    Showfloor is a company that plans and executes virtual events. They are a fairly new company, but this is also a fairly new industry. Finding companies that are new to the space can help us grow together. Being new means they may not have as many long-term connections, and may be available to collaborate on future events.

2. Corporate Events, Inc. - @corporateeventsinc

    Corporate Events, Inc. is a local show production company. They are a full-production audio-visual company. They are a little under-sized, but they are local. Local companies mean local contacts. Interacting with local companies on social media can more easily lead to person-to-person meetings in the future. Additionally, the ability to work together on local events makes the most sense and potentially the largest margins.

3. The Event Planners Association - @theeventplannersassociation

    The Event Planners Association is a national organization of professional event planners. Interacting with event planners directly is a good way to create buzz and word-of-mouth. Event planners are always looking for the next big idea to make their events stand out.

4. PCMA - Professional Convention Managers Association - @PCMAHQ

    The Professional Convention Managers Association is an international organization of event planners. PCMA planners are responsible for many large meetings and conventions. They tend to be more professional and reserved than other event planners, but even minimal exposure could lead to large revenues.

5. ONServices - @onservicesAV

    ONservices is a national audio-visual services provider. They provide a variety of services including lighting, audio, video, presentation management, IT networking, and event planning. ON is a relatively new competitor in national audio-visual companies, but they have a good deal of backing.

6. Freeman - @freemanfans

    Freeman convention services if the largest provider of convention services in the US. They have several departments including FreemanAV. FreemanAV is a full-service audio-visual provider. They tend to have all of their own in-house networking and digital services. They do have a history of partnering with smaller startups to keep their primacy in the market.

7. IATSE - @iatse

    IATSE is a labor union that represents behind-the-scenes entertainment workers. They represent 150,000 members making up 375 local unions. They are primarily responsible for audio-visual work nationally. Their members are going to make up a good portion of the work force that will interact with AES's gear and programming. Early interaction with IATSE can get the word out to the individuals on the ground, and familiarize them with AES.


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