Business Research - IATSE Local 16 San Francisco

    “I.A.T.S.E. Local 16 provides stage craft and technical support to a wide variety of entertainment and event industries ranging from Motion Pictures, Commercial Production, Theatrical Events, Industrial Trade Shows, Live Concert Events, and many other venues from San Francisco to San Mateo to Napa and Sonoma Counties.

We provide skilled, trained technicians in a multitude of disciplines including Lighting, Carpentry, Audio Engineering, Props, Makeup, Camera Operators, Video Engineering, Audio Visual Technicians, etc.”

    IATSE Local 16 is the San Francisco local stagehand union. Their jurisdiction covers the city of San Francisco as well as San Mateo, Napa, and Sonoma counties. They have 1,211 members and 30 employees. They have a yearly income of ~$3,000,000.

    There are no links on their website that I can find.

    IATSE 16 has very little social media presence. Their Facebook page has quite a few followers roughly twice as many people as they have members. The other sites have little use. It seems that their Instagram is more of an extension of their Facebook than anything original.


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